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Planting Products

Tubex Tree Shelters

Tubex designs and produces tree shelters to protect and enhance growth of young plants. Tree shelters are an important tool when attempting to establish hard-to-grow seedlings or when working on challenging sites. The tubes provide maximum protection from animal browse, wind, chemical sprays and equipment. In addition, the greenhouse type environment created inside the shelter promotes growth. Somerville Nurseries is currently offering a selection of tree shelters and fruit wraps.

For more information please visit the Tubex website.

Click Here

Terrafibre Tree Squares

Terrafibre tree squares improve the growth and survival of a tree seedling by preventing weeds from germinating or growing. Placed on the soil around the base of the a tree seedling, Terrafibre protects seedlings from competitive weeds that steal light, nutrients, and moisture. The insulation properties of hemp ensure protection from temperature extremes, providing an ideal growing environment for a tree seedling.

For more information please view the product brochure.

For pricing details, call 1-877-708-7337 or email your inquiry to

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